How Alcohol Affects Your Kidney Health
If you’re a female donor, you should talk to your OBGYN doctor and transplant team before trying to get pregnant. Lemon juice contains citrate, which is known to prevent calcium stones from forming and breaking apart existing stones. Adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to your water will help work against kidney stones and flush them out of your system. Plus, as we mentioned earlier, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water will help relieve general kidney discomfort. Interestingly enough, alcohol—specifically wine—can be useful for preventing kidney stones and providing pain relief. The antioxidants in wine are beneficial for kidney health, and the extra fluid intake will help flush any stones out of your system as long as they’re passable.
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It can also lead to fatty liver and more serious cases of liver damage. Chronic alcohol consumption can lead to persistent dehydration and high blood pressure, both of which are harmful to the kidneys. Over time, this can result in chronic kidney disease or even kidney failure. Binge drinking causes a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) to heighten to dangerous levels, causing the kidneys to lose function and potentially leading to acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease. Binge drinking (usually more than four to five drinks within two hours) can raise a person’s blood alcohol to dangerous levels. This can cause a sudden drop in kidney function known as “acute kidney injury.” When this happens, dialysis is needed until a person’s kidney function returns to normal.
While moderate alcohol consumption may not significantly harm your kidneys, excessive drinking can lead to serious complications, including acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, and kidney stones. Understanding how alcohol affects your kidneys and taking steps to reduce your alcohol intake can help you avoid kidney pain and maintain overall kidney health. If you’re concerned about the impact of drinking alcohol alcoholic kidney pain on your kidneys, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options. Your kidneys constantly work to remove toxins from your blood and balance the amount of water in your body.
How Does Alcohol Affect Kidney Health?
The condition features a sudden drop in kidney function, which may or may not be reversible. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects around 4 million Canadians. Unfortunately, this condition has no cure, which is why prevention is key.
Alcohol risks: A body out of balance
Acute kidney injury usually goes away in time, but in some cases, it can lead to lasting kidney damage. Kidney pain after drinking alcohol may occur due to acute kidney injury or an infection. Moderate drinking should not cause kidney pain, but binge drinking or frequent drinking may cause kidney problems. UPJ obstruction is a condition that impedes the proper functioning of your kidneys and bladder. If you have UPJ, you may experience kidney pain after drinking alcohol. You will feel the pain in the side, your back, or your abdomen.
Is Kidney Pain After Drinking Normal?
Consuming alcohol can impact many parts of the body, including the kidneys. In moderation – that is, consuming one or two drinks on occasion – alcohol tends to trigger few adverse effects. That said, excessive alcohol consumption can jeopardize your overall health and exacerbate kidney-related issues. For some people, drinking too much alcohol can increase the risk of developing kidney stones.
What to know about kidney pain after drinking alcohol
Kidney pain can be felt in your upper or lower back or between your lower ribs and your buttocks. You may feel it immediately after having a drink or after you’ve stopped drinking. Those Alcohol Use Disorder who experience this pain report that it usually gets worse at night. Aside from this, other symptoms include headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, fever, and chills. You may also experience painful urination or there’s blood in your urine.
- Other beverages may not provide the same health benefits as red wine.
- While there is some conflicting data, the common consensus is that alcohol negatively affects your kidneys in several different ways.
- In rare cases, people who donate a kidney may have kidney failure and need a transplant later in life.
- According to a 2017 review, the question of whether alcohol consumption affects kidney function remains controversial.
- Chronic alcohol consumption induces profound injury in several organs that may affect and aggravate the deleterious effect of ethanol on the kidney.
Alcohol and kidney disease
- Treat gastritis by avoiding alcohol, pain medications, and recreational drugs.
- Kidney damage treatment usually includes measures to help control symptoms and reduce complications.
- Here are some common causes for pain of the kidneys after drinking alcohol.
- Alcohol, whether in moderation or excess, exacerbates kidney problems to the point of actual kidney disease.
People should consult a healthcare provider if they are concerned about drinking and kidney damage. Kidney disease can also be brought about by high blood pressure and liver disease, both of which are possible effects of alcoholism. In order to do their job properly, the kidneys need a certain rate of blood flowing into them; a liver that is damaged by alcohol abuse cannot properly regulate the blood that the kidneys receive. The National Kidney Foundation notes that most patients who have both liver disease and problems with their kidneys struggle with alcohol dependence as well. This can be due to the kidneys needing to work harder to eliminate alcohol in the system as well as any damage the alcohol did to the liver. A kidney infection is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI) that starts in the urethra or bladder and then moves to one or both kidneys.
Alcohol is a diuretic, which is why you get so thirsty and dehydrated after a night of drinking. Drinking alcohol causes you to urinate more, which leads to dehydration, especially when you drink excessively. This is why alcohol affects the ability of your kidneys in balancing the level of water and electrolytes in your body. When this balance gets upset, it could impair your kidneys and increase your chances of developing kidney stones. Free radicals (also called reactive oxygen species ROS) are one of the by-products of alcohol metabolism and are known to cause cellular damage, unless the body can use antioxidants to clean them up. Oxidative stress occurs when the body cannot detoxify free radicals as fast as they are being produced, and it is pivotal in triggering alcohol-related tissue injury.